
Google Ads Expands AI Campaign Tools To More Languages

At the digital marketing conference DMEXCO, Google unveiled plans to expand the language capabilities of its AI-powered search campaign building tool. The conversational AI experience, which guides advertisers through creating search campaigns with personalized recommendations, has been a hit with small businesses – those using it are 63% more likely to launch search ads with […]


Client-Side Vs. Server-Side Rendering

Faster webpage loading times play a big part in user experience and SEO, with page load speed a key determining factor for Google’s algorithm. A front-end web developer must decide the best way to render a website so it delivers a fast experience and dynamic content. Two popular rendering methods include client-side rendering (CSR) and server-side […]


Google Brings AI Ad Image Editing To Search, Display, & More

Google expands AI-powered ad image editing to more campaigns, enhancing creative capabilities for advertisers across its platform. AI-powered image editing is expanding to search, Display, App, and Demand Gen campaigns. Google’s AI campaign builder is expanding beyond English-speaking markets. Google is balancing AI automation with more granular advertiser controls. Source link


Google Revamps Entire Crawler Documentation

Google has launched a major revamp of its Crawler documentation, shrinking the main overview page and splitting content into three new, more focused pages.  Although the changelog downplays the changes there is an entirely new section and basically a rewrite of the entire crawler overview page. The additional pages allows Google to increase the information […]

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HubSpot Rolls Out AI-Powered Marketing Tools

HubSpot announced a push into AI this week at its annual Inbound marketing conference, launching “Breeze.” Breeze is an artificial intelligence layer integrated across the company’s marketing, sales, and customer service software. According to HubSpot, the goal is to provide marketers with easier, faster, and more unified solutions as digital channels become oversaturated. Karen Ng, […]

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Analysis Of +546,000 AI Overviews

AI Overviews are the most significant SEO change agent since mobile – maybe ever. Until now, we’ve lacked a representative data set to thoroughly analyze how AIOs (AI Overviews) work. Thanks to exclusive data from Surfer, I conducted the largest analysis of AI Overviews so far with over 546,000 rows and +44 GB of data. The […]